Animation as the key to understanding company policy in the HR sector. Use of 2D animation in communication.
Communication is the foundation of every organization’s activities. Especially in the HR sector, where complex rules and procedures need to be conveyed, communication becomes a challenge. Is there a solution, however?…
Advantages of using 2D/3D animation in educational marketing.
Animation has become an important tool in various forms of education – from school classrooms, through employee training, to presenting complex business plans to potential investors. The advantages of using 2D…
How video explainer animations simplify financial complexity. A Guide for Financial Companies.
The complexity of finance can be an insurmountable barrier for many. But what if we could change this situation through technology? Enter business animation films, also known as video explainers, which are…
Advertising and product animations – what is their importance in promoting your brand?
“One picture is worth more than a thousand words” – this simple sentence hides almost the whole idea of modern marketing trends. Today, in the era where the video format reigns supreme,…
Why is it worth investing in advertising animation?
In the era of advanced digital technologies and constantly developing new trends in brand promotion, there are various tools that a company can use for its online presentation. One of them…
How do explainer video animations affect pharmaceutical marketing?
The pharmaceutical industry is a highly regulated and complex field. Communication with patients and healthcare professionals can be challenging, especially when it comes to explaining clinical trials, treatment options and disease management.…